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04. Juli 2020

Helfertag mit der Suzy Utzinger Stiftung!

Am 4. Juli erledigte ein 18-köpfiges Tierschutz-Team unter der Leitung von SUST-Einsatzleiterin Corinne Meister verschiedene Arbeiten auf dem Gnadenhof.

- Boden für Aussenvoliere

- Steinplatten verlegen beim Bienenhaus

- Boden fertigstellen in der Futterkammer

- Alle Ställe ausmisten und frisch einrichten

- Umgebung von Brennesseln befreien

- Steine aus der Hundewiese entfernen

- Ziegenpark misten und neu einstreuen

- Kutsche abschleifen und grundieren

Es war ein grandioser Einsatz mit vielen motivierten TierschutzhelferInnen.

Ganz herzlichen Dank Karin, Andi, Rebecca, Claudia, Tanja, Andrea, Bettina, Corinne, Cornelia, Nadja, Audrey, Fabienne, Mario, Amanda, Barbara und Mirjam für diesen grossartigen Einsatz.


October 20, 2019

The new motor wheel barrow is here!

A few weeks ago the sanctuary was given a very useful gift. We finally have an engine rack. A mini dumper, so to speak. This was a long-cherished wish of ours and makes daily work much easier. We thank Stradun SA and Bruno, Sarah, Michael, Igor and Marina.


December 16, 2019

Animal protection market of the Suzy Utzinger Foundation and with it the Gnadenhof Luna!

'SUST is celebrating its 20th birthday in the coming year to organize a colorful indoor market for animals and animal protection together with various partner organizations. All animal lovers are cordially invited to browse around to their hearts' content at around 40 stands, to find out more and to celebrate their many years of successful animal protection work together with SUST. In addition to an entertainment program with raffle, flea market and various exciting lectures, the little animal lovers will not miss out either. And of course, physical well-being is also taken care of. '


December 15, 2019

A new group of chickens has moved in!

A few days ago, a new family of chickens moved into the Luna sanctuary. The rooster Aladin and his seven lovers: Aurora, Coco, Cleo, Dreamy, Honey, Herzchen and Forget-me-not. Since they no longer lay eggs, they have become superfluous and should be slaughtered. Here, however, they can still live and listen to the beautiful morning singing of Aladin and enjoy a peaceful chicken life.

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